
You might have marveled at these high-density panels before. From the W Hotel’s shades of black in the heart of Austin to Collin College’s cantilevered white masterpiece, their durability and colorful display capture balance in sustainability and modern aesthetics.

Swisspearl is the standard in fiber cement panels. No other panel is created with the same level of scrutiny or the same level of quality. The company has been producing and innovating fiber cement panels for over 125 years. There are buildings in Europe protected by these panels for over 60 years that still look ageless. Choosing Swisspearl means you are building to last. The Swiss offer the best and most comprehensive warranty available, 20-years for panel integrity, protecting against panel cracking or warpage, and 10-year warranties for both efflorescence and color fastness. All of which are stand alones among the fiber cement panel marketplace.

Why Swisspearl?

  • Time-tested. The brand at the top is also the longest surviving in the market at 125 years and counting.

  • For display. Their beauty. Their creativity. Their presence as a facade.

  • High density. 50% more. Their raw materials, manufacturing process and 30-day air curing process.

  • Installers. Experienced, and in every local market.

  • Warranty. The longest and most comprehensive.

  • Design flexibility. Do something new.

Format Sizes & Specs

Product Range: Surface and Color Options

  • Carat - A translucent, lightly pigmented, through-colored panel available in almost all format sizes. This is the standing favorite.

  • Gravial - This rich contrasting through-colored panel offers a linear geometrical grooved surface.

  • Vintago - A sanded surface offers a naturally authentic and unique look. (Through-Colored) (Vintago Reflex)

  • Reflex - A shiny look with metallic character, the reflective surface produces amazing nuances in color. (Through-Colored)

  • Avera - A transparent coating lets the original natural look of the panel shine through. (Through-Colored)

  • Nobilis - A grey panel with a translucent, lightly pigmented surface highlighting the fibre cement texture.

  • Terra - Natural colors in the terracotta range characteristic of the earthy warm tones. strongly pigmented surface.

  • Planea - Consists of two bright yellows, two refreshing greens, and four reds ranging from pastel to dark shades, which are all extremely vibrant and rich in color.

  • Zenor - A large-format, through-colored, cost effective yet high-quality panel with 16 different color options.



Swisspearl’s design and installation manual (live link above) offers guidance for architects and installers alike. The choice to use face-fastened panels is popular both for aesthetic purposes and for a straightforward install. Stainless steel, powder-coated, color-matched rivets are provided by Swisspearl. These color-matched rivets tend to disappear from view. Alternatively, using a rivet differing from the color of the panels can accent your wall for a truly unique look, or the fiber cement panels can be delivered in a concealed fastened manner by back-cutting points into the panels with a special cleat inserted into the cut that attaches to the sub-framing components. Black or mill finished light gauge aluminum closures are often used between the horizontal joinery of the panels, effectively offering a closed joint panel system. With an air gap in the space behind the panels and ventilation points at the top and bottom of the walls, this rainscreen design offers superior protection from the elements and a 20% reduction in heat transfer, great for our warmer climate. Additionally, most auxiliary components needed are offered by the Swiss team as part of a fully vetted system complementing your design.

If fiber cement panels are a consideration on your project, getting early consultation on design parameters and even bringing in one of our experienced installers to aid in budgeting and constructibility discussions is a great start at realizing Swisspearl on one of your projects. Swisspearl has an array of colors and finishes to offer, please let us know if you would like to see any of our samples. We are glad to send them your way.

NVLP Materials works with Element Architectural Products out of Addison, TX, one of Swisspearl’s largest distributors in North America. Element’s SWISSPEARL PROJECT LIST.